I have good news for you. One of my follower offered me to edit Sacred Valley of Incas, beyond Machu-Picchu, so you can read good quality version near future. Until then, I will do the best to translate whole book.

Chapter 1
Los Angeles to Lima
April 20th, 1991
The day of departure was early morning. I took Express bus to Fukuoka International Airport, then flew to Tokyo Haneda Airport, and then took the Limousine Bus to get to Narita International Airport, and it was a hell of a trip in half a day already. Particularly Haneda to Narita was confusing enough because of unfamiliarity.
I have never flown to Tokyo before, I have never used a Limousine bus before, my mind was a little overwhelmed to figure out where to go and don’t get lost there and don’t miss the time. When I arrived at Narita International Airport, I was already exhausted.
Everything was so different from Fukuoka. No rush greens, no beautiful light blue sky, Sky feels so low and all gray all around. The Airport Entrance lobby was so huge and spacious, super high ceiling with big glass windows in futuristic style.
Until meeting time, I walked around the shopping complex attached to the entrance, I felt somehow weird doing window shopping. I felt like me became Alice in Wonderland in-away. In a different city, I don't know anybody, everything looks real, but somehow unreal like me in my dream wandering around.
When I arrived meeting place as specified, there was a Tour Counter who I never met or even talked by phone and quite number of people already waiting beside him.
Tour participants are total 36 people, most of member were female in mid thirties, men were only 8 include me and Tour conductor.
I did not know anybody there. I have never met them before, I never talked to them yet, I jumped in this kind of situation and it always makes me insecure, very reserved, quiet, almost like to be invisible.
Soon later Tour conductor started to help tour participants to check in. And suddenly everything seems like back to reality, until then all of this was in away virtually happening in my head because everything was through documentation and back money transfer, and documentation paper send by facsimile.
This is really happening, I felt mixed emotion and felt almost like me in a weird zone, part of me was there, some part of me wasn't there but somewhere else.
And I realized I am going to leave Japan today, fly to America, Los Angeles, and then go to Peru the next day.
This group of instantly tailored trips headed for departure procedures to the departure gate and I automatically followed them. I contacted the company, thanked the president for his farewell, and then I left Japan with my new friends and set out for Peru.
Our first destination was San Jose for transit for a few hours, and then to Los Angeles. When I found my seat, there was Japanese lady sitting already. Her name is Kazumi, interpreter for Mr. Edward and Ja-Zeawa. So I switched seats originally booked for Kazumi, and ended up sitting next to the Tour conductor from the Voice company.
Airplane lifted to the sky, we started to talk from time to time, all of what we talked about was spiritual matters in general, many aspects of it. I did not remember what exactly we talked about but I remember telling him how I got into this, and started to tell him my personal experiences.
That point of time I was wondering about how my life path shifted to change direction toward spiritualism. I still have this as my quest, because I wasn’t interested in this, to me destiny or other aspects of me changed the course of life, almost like something interfered and corrected the path which I never imagined or intended before 26 years of age. I know I better admit this is my life path but still some part of me wants to let it go and live life freely differently away from so-called spiritualism.
Right after this 1991 trip to Peru, I started to have interest in becoming a Channel, who communicates invisible beings from higher dimensions or inter-dimensions for people who seek knowledge from higher realms or inter Galactic Civilizations like Edward does. This occupation requires to have different human capabilities like trans mediums or psychic mediums. Before the Peru tour, I did not know I was born with the abilities or capabilities of Extra Sensory Perceptions, absolutely not.
As I remember, I was different from other kids in school, I was highly aware of it from when I was very child, 3 or 4 years old. I knew somehow I myself was different that others including all my family members. My parents, grand parents, brothers, cousins, uncles, aunts, I felt like I am borrowed from somewhere else adopted to this family all the time. I know my parents are real, they had me and I have their biological DNA heritages, but somehow I felt I do not belong with my own family and its haunts me still.
I see things or take things or think things differently than most people. I did not have any ideas about such matters until I started to see other Psychics or who have Extra Sensory Perceptions.
A year before this trip, in early May, 1990, I was hospitalized for 3 month for unknown Hepatic Symptoms.
Suddenly I had high fever, all my skin sickened, turned colors like dirt and to dark purplish blue, next morning I went to see a doctor, then immediately hospitalized. From that moment my life path drastically changed its course. Countless blood was withdrawn for testing and monitoring. My liver was swollen up, numbers were too high and did not go down as supposed to. If I had Hep-A or Hep B, the number should go down in a certain point of time, but it wasn’t and still high up. Doctors couldn't figure out what caused it. After all they concluded I have unknown Hepatic Disease. That time medical science had not discovered Hepatitis C yet, but they suspects Hep-C would find it in the near future. So they diagnosed me Non-A, Non-B type of Hepatitis, which pretty much referred to Hep C.
Then they want to do a biopsy, cut open my stomach to take living tissue samples from my liver. There were two choices, spinal tap or biopsy. I didn't like the idea of hurting my spinal cords so I choose Biopsy, but it ended up an absolute nightmare.
Biopsy needs to be done by local anesthetic, because I need to be fully awake during operations. I was laid down on the surgical table, surgical lights were on, both hands and ankles were stranded tight, the panel was set above diagrams so I can not see the actual operation. Anesthetic was injected next to my navel, soon later Doctor cut open my skin maybe a half inch, I did not feel a thing at all at that point. Next air was put into my stomach through a thin clear vinyl tube, stomach started to balloon little by little, and the next tiny microscope was inserted from the cut to see the liver surface. And soon later the nightmare began.
As air kept ballooning up my stomach, skin started to stretch little by little, and then after the certain point passed, I started to feel pain, unbearable pain. I asked Doctors to stop it, but they did not stop, I started to scream to stop it, but they didn't stop at all!
They said, “Almost done, all most done, little more time.”
I couldn't understand why they didn't hear me screaming. I looked up at the ceiling, there were other doctors or medical students watching the operation. And I realize I am a flog to them. Somehow I ended up participating to be a test subject or medical procedure subjects for students to have experience living biopsy to exam liver. Pain was exquisitely sharp, I felt my skin separates from muscles beneath it, almost like tears apart violently. I screamed, and screamed and begged to stop it, but they never stopped immediately.
As I recalled it, it was almost similar to Alien Abduction Scenario sort of. I can relate to Fox Mulder being abducted and having an unbearable alien biopsy without anesthetic to scream again and again. Screaming in massive pain, I started to super angry towards all doctors and students in the Surgical room and above. I was extremely mad in madness, I screamed and said, “I will kill you all of you if you do not stop this! I will remember all of your faces, and stab your stomach cut open so you can feel this! STOP IT! STOP IT NOW!” and soon later they injected me with sedatives to knock me out.
When I gained my consciousness a little, I felt so disoriented, I was still on the table, but it was moving, I was moved out from Surgical room, it seemed like my mom was beside me, and then I passed out.
I woke up in my compartment, at that point of time, I had pain but not too painful, and very early in the morning, a second nightmare started. I woke up with massive pain near my liver. I knew internal bleeding happened while I was sleeping. It was hell of a pain. I screamed and called out nurses, and then the Doctor put me Morphine to knock me out again.
I was super drained by this Biopsy for a few days. And Doctors came to see me and told me they did not find anything. No Hep-A or No Hep-B still, and the head doctor told me I never prepared for.
“Well, your liver number is still high and seems like not going down at this point, it is unusual. If your liver dysfunction like this happens at this speed, your liver develops hepatic cirrhosis in 2 to 3 years, and it will lead to Liver Cancer, if getting into Cancer stage, without Liver transplant you won’t survive. You are going to die in next 4 to 5 years.“
I said “What...?”
A moment, I could not understand what they said and I didn’t know what to respond.
I’m going to die before the age of 3o?
All of my plans shattered apart, harshly smashed to be dusts disappeared in thin air. I wanted to disappear from there, just want to disappear so nobody can not see me anymore.
“You are going to die”
It changed everything.
I started to feel my own body so heavy and so dull, extremely tired all the time. Sometimes I wanted to get out from Hospital, I dragged this heaviest body to a river nearby under the highway, sit on the bench, and cried from time to time.
I stayed hospital for 3 months, but nothing changed much. Number were still high, I lost appetite, anything I ate taste nothing. Dullness was unbearable. I was discharged from Hospital because they can not do anything more to treat me.
I went back to work, but it wasn’t going well. That tiredness, dullness was eating me from inside. I have to see Doctor every day to receive medication which is highly addictive with Intravenous therapy. Not only that, I was taking western medication and also Eastern “Kanpou” Chinese Herbs formulated by Pharma company to treat conditions prescribed by Doctor specialized in Liver diseases.
From the beginning, I was so sensitive with this medication, and I noticed when medication started to travel through blood vessels, somehow I can trace it, particularly arms, upper arms, around mouth and nose, temples also around the liver. Sensation was not only the vessels, I could tell medication started to spread through beneath my skin. Doctor told me Liver is a silent organ, people won't feel a thing there, but I wasn’t. I can feel the whole conditions of my Liver, veins are easy to feel compared to wholeness of Liver, and when meditation, synthesized chemicals reach the Liver system, definitely I can tell where to move to where.
At that time, I did not know I have Extra Sensory Perceptions, or any kind of Psychic Abilities.
Fighting with diseases or physical challenges are tiring and exhausting, mentally, emotionally challenging, many cases terrifying I think.
I started to feel everything down really quickly. The word “Death” weaved into your own reality to face it, I think it frightens most people. Nobody wants to die so quickly unless people are too depressed and can’t help it. I did not want to die, it was not my plan at all. Letting know of my life will terminate soon to end this life was devastating and depressing. Good thing was I still have some time, at least 4 to 5 years. If I was told my life would be only next 6 month, I would react differently I think.
Anyway, I did not know what death is, and meaning of it. I knew people will die eventually when get old like 70’s, 80’s. My grandfather and grandmother passed away, and I know someday I will die, but not in mid 20’s of my life. I was drawn thinking me die unexpectedly. Death was unknown for me that point, I felt scared for the unknown, I desperately wanted to know about it.
I was raised as Buddhist, and Japanese culture's idea of reincarnation is very common to most people. Many of us believe there are after life, after physical death, a deceased person’s spirit still exists in different realms or spirit worlds, and in many cases deceased spirits visit family members on some occasion.
In this matter, I actually experienced it when I was 19 years old.
When my Grandfather, my mom’s father passed away, I was away from home, in a different town, he came to see me, he appeared next to me in the middle of the night. I did not scare at all, instead I was surrounded by warm feelings for a while. I did not know Grandfather passed away that moment, my mom told me after I came back home, a day before his funeral. I had such experiences, but my own death is not quite fit with it.
Next to the doctor's office was a Small Book Store, and I started to look at some books about life after death. Many were extensions of Buddhism, also I found books written by known Mediums and Psychics in Japan. Reincarnation part was not hard to swallow, I can understand the whole theory of it, but there were problems, I actually do not remember my past life that time and I do not remember how I get reincarnated to this life!
I continued to look at other books and a book caught my eyes. The book was “Out On A Limb” written by Academy award actress Shirley MacLaine.

Somehow my eyes are almost glued to this book like my own eyes has its own consciousness or something. It was a very weird experience, almost like my eyes were highly magnetized to that book. As I told you I did not know I have E.S.P that time, I did not know how its works and functions, but it already came to surface to tell me I have E.S.P. but I did not get it until I went to Peru.
Facing that book, part of me wants to take it, but somehow another part of me was so scared and rejected. That day I did not buy it, it took a few days but I made up my mind and tried not to think about anything and bought it.
Reading “Out On A Limb” was a big surprise. Absolutely I did enjoy reading it and everything in that book made me fascinated about her life experiences. So I bought other her book, next to next, and I started to know bit of Alternatives Healing and its possibilities, include Meditations, Healing Meditation, Image Healing, Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Nutritions, Energy Healing etc., also I was fascinated by Channeling phenomenons written in her books.
Since my treatment was not doing well, numbers were still high, and I have nothing to lose. I decided to try Healing Meditations and Chakra Meditations in her book “Going within”.

I also bought a Video version of it, then started to meditate every night watching the video, and day time when I have time even when I was walking or waiting for something. My primal goal was to heal my Liver, Chakra wise the Third Chakra to work on.
I was reading books related to Spiritualism, Life and Death and Health, Alternative Healing, and so on, and other books caught my eyes, glued to it again.
The book was “BASHAR '' channeled by Darryl Anka, and the 1st book came with an audio recorded cassette tape to listen to. Somehow this book made a huge Mega Hit in Japan in the 90's. Publisher described Bashar as Cosmic Consciousness, and Cosmic Being in Japanese and I had a hard time swallowing it.
What the heck Cosmic Consciousness is?
I felt something weird because of unfamiliarity and strangeness, I sure I was so gravitated towards it, but couldn't make mind to take it and buy it to read for a while. Same as Out On A Limb, I told myself to not think too much and just buy it and read it, and surprised again, I totally enjoyed reading it.
This Bashar Vol.1 come with a audio cassette tape. I sure enjoyed listening it.
First time listing Bashar’s voice was amazing. Full of excitement, he speaks so fast in up beats, almost like an explosion of energies. Sometimes he is so funny and makes me laugh and smile. Overall, it was hell of a ride and fun listening to it. Many people think it's crazy, but it doesn't matter for me because Bashar is fascinating and made me believe he actually is real, at least he is real inside of my mind and in others.
Since Bashar was amazingly fascinating to me in many degrees, I read all of it, and started to read other channelled materials as much as I could find in the bookstore.
Since I was fascinated by him, I decided to play audio while I sleep. I went to bed, put earphone and started to listen while falling asleep.
I don’t remember how long I was in sleep or unconscious but suddenly I woke up, but I couldn't move an inch of it. My mind was wide awake, but I couldn't associate with my body, almost like I myself was somehow detached from my own body, I was a little panicked and desperately tried to move, but it wasn't working. Soon later I felt invisible hands inside of my stomach, and then its moved to my liver, then hands started to do something surgical, I felt hands grasped my liver several times, not too strong but not gentle either, immediately I felt exquisite pain, more panic, and then I passed out.
This was my first time experiencing healing from an invisible team of doctors. It was frightening the first time, but I did not hate or anything because obviously they came to help me so I took it with gratitude instead of panicking and scared out of it.
It was quite a shocking experience but I did not give up listening to Audio tape, I did some time but the same thing never happened after that, instead different phenomena started to happen.
While I sleep, suddenly I awake and feel massive heats accumulated all around my liver. For no reason my liver heated up in the middle of night. and its happened several times. Sometimes my mind could capture the colors of that heat, it was golden yellow, and sometimes slightly orangish golden. I also kept doing Healing meditation and 3rd Chakra meditation dairy, and surprise arrived.
I was seeing the Doctor everyday, and from time to time he tested blood to see numbers, and he told me somehow my numbers went down drastically. It was still a little higher than normal range, but far better than before. Doctor was kinda wondering why suddenly numbers changed, and asked me if I'm doing something besides medication, so I told him, maybe a little exercise and changing diets? I don't know.... I know lied to him what was happening and he wouldn't believe it so I made it up.
Those invisible doctors did not completely cured my haptic symptoms, but they made me feel far better, I continued to have liver issue after that for quite long years, but those experiences taught me there are different approach to heal thing, I started to think, if I could learn how to do Healing Energetically, I may be able to maintain or improve conditions, my interest were slightly shifted toward to Energetic Healing.
Me and tour conductor kept talking and conversation reached to why I decided to join this Tour. As I mentioned before, Shirley MacLaine’s “Out On A Limb” was the start, and somehow I found Movie Version of this book made for 6 hours TV program at Rental Video Store near my house, and I rent it without hesitation. It was 2 video cassette. I run back home, put 1st cassette to video player and started to watch.
I already read this book so I kinda know how it goes, but watching the dramatized movie actually played by herself was such a joy to watch. Cassette one was full of enjoyments, particularly she met two trans channels in two different continents, and the scene with American Channel, Kevin Kevin Ryerson was so amazing. This was the first time saw channeling in TV, and it was jar opening amazement. I finished 1st cassette delightfully, and put Second cassette to player, and then something unknown started happen.

Second cassette opening with scenes of Valley near by Machu Picchu and other remote location. Lush green rainforest to the Amazon River, and the City of Machu Picchu. Right after those scenes flowing to my TV screen, I started to have strange headache suddenly.
It was not migraine or any kind of headache I had before. And it's getting stronger, and stronger as the movie goes. My third eye and most core part of brain had contraction of sort, and it was like I have hart beating inside of my head. Some point of time I felt myself almost vacuums up from my body. Almost like something invisible strong force pull me up from my body to take me somewhere.
Poor me so scared out of this phenomena, I was so chicken out this unknown devastating situation, I said to nobody until movie finished.
“I don't want to! I want to watch this Video, I don't want to go, please stop this!”
I was almost pull out from my body at the end, but I cringed to my body so hard, I did not out from body. Anyway it was so unknown and so devastating to have such a experience so its scared the shit out of me. I was too inexperienced that time and I did not have any immune to this kind of phenomena and have no idea what actually happening. As I look back probably I should allowed it to happened so I regret.
After this kind of shocking event, I felt something calling me from there.
“I must go to Peru, visit Machu Picchu.”
That how started.
Definitely I had a call. I did not know what exactly, did not know why, but I knew I better go there. If I get there I will know why. When I get there, I will find something I don’t know now. So I said to nobody.
“Okay, I want to go there, I don't know how and when, but I will go there. Let me know how the way, I will get there. Please help me to go there.”
And then, obviously something responded.
I told my friend I want to go to Peru, and he handed me out information conveniently right away, I got money, I got vacation time, and I met other 36 people on board, and we jumped into this journey.
I did not know what would be waiting, for me and for us, we all have no idea this starting point.
We landed San Jose International Airport just about noon. Get out from airplane, sun shine was stronger and little sharp to me, and air was dryer I felt just right and so opened.
Visiting California was one of my dream since I was 17 or 18 years old. I knew it was sort of an ordinary dream to have, but somehow I was a little obsessed to be in California. Because may be my mom shut out the door me to be in Long Beach to be trained with US swimming team when I was 14. My swimming coach wanted me and another girl swimmer to go to Long Beach, Los Angeles for training, my mom without asking me said no. I heard this story soon later, and I was so disappointed missed a chance to go there.
Also I had very first time spiritual experience when I was 21 years old. That time Desktop publishing was not appeared yet, drafting layout on white paper, making mechanicals, color indication for film separation so on, everything in printing processes was all done by hand. I was very beginner, sometimes I have no idea how to start layout because of experience, and something very strange happened.
I was facing big while layout paper, it was quite big size wondering how I can draft layout. And then suddenly I was somewhere else, not in the office, I saw clear vibrant blue sky, parades of Palm Trees from beneath, I saw palm tree leafs moved by wind and I felt the air and smell it. It was so clear and vivid. I don't know how long I was standing there, maybe a few seconds? 5 or 10 seconds? I felt like I lost in time and when I came back from there.
That feeling and atmosphere was with me over a half day. I was in a strange place, that moment somehow I thought it's California.
Instinctively I felt I needed to go there. Then at lunch time I went to the Tour Agency nearby to look at how I can visit Los Angeles. I had never been on a trip before, and later on I started to wonder how I could move to California. I was so obsessed the idea of me moving there but it didn't go well.
Young me thought I may used live there in my past life, perhaps in 1920’s because I have obsession with this particular period of time line in America. I thought maybe it has some kind of key to understanding my life.
It was a movie like visual message from future.
It was Prophetic vision.
Soon later president called me and other coworker, then told us to go Islands of Hawaii.
It wasn’t California, I misinterpreted it. It was calling from Hawaii, and I did not know how my life was tied to Hawaii that point.
When I look back this very first prophetic vision experience, surely it was sort of an Astral Travel to me from current perspective, but that time I had no knowledge or understanding of it yet. Me have some kinds of psychic abilities to perceive or receive spiritual vision was already manifested that age, but I did not think that way. Off cause I have no idea why or how it happened that time, and strangely I did not questioned about experience itself, I didn't think its crazy or anything even I was driven by it for awhile.
To stand on San Jose ground made me feel relaxed and soothed my spirit somehow, I felt breathing air more natural and it made me feel good, and open for waiting adventure. It was few hour transit to Los Angeles, I decided to get out from terminal, it was little adventure because I never done ti such a thing in my life, signs are all in English and I was little scared to do so, but I get out from terminal, walk to outside, and I saw people from same tour sitting on grass relaxed talking and hanging there.
I did not know them yet, and I felt a bit encouraged because I am going there with them, not alone by myself. And they look so free, so relaxed and comfortable themselves.
I never felt myself free, or comfortable myself yet that time, and I never met people like them before. I wanted to be like them but I did not know how I became like them to be free. I just stood beside them, simply admired their freedom, and expression to feel free. When I realized that, me joined this Tour was the right choice, to know these minded people who actually have the same kind of interest. It made a huge difference later on because I made lifelong friends through this Tour.
After I got back to the spacious Airport terminal, I met Tadashi for the first time. He came from Tokyo, his profession is Video Camera man working in the commercial industry. I was a Graphic designer, we became friends very quickly because of the job background helped. I immediately felt comfortable to be with him somehow, there was some kind of connection, I did not know what that time, but it did for both of us.
Later on we find out we are set to be roommates for the entire trip.
Tadashi was always beside me. We both didn’t know why we ended up sharing the same room at that point.
Tadashi walked through this unknown adventure with me, and he ended up witnessing everything that happened to me.
We arrived in Los Angeles, Airport was so huge and there were Palm Trees and leafs were quietly made dace with winds time to time while we waited Mr. Edward Mabe to shows up.
Mr. Edward was tall, a bit stocky, he used work with Music industry in Hollywood thats I heard. Since he changed his carrier to Trans Channel, he has been invited to Japan by VOICE’s in early time.
He helped us to check in to hotel, my first impression about him was nothing special, he won’t strange or Alien looking or anything, seems to be very normal American men.

Staying a night in Los Angeles was sort of hilarious because something unexpected happened that night. At first, other 2 gentleman’s hotel room had problem, the door key was somehow dysfunction and they could not get in their room for awhile, we called front desk, and manager tried to open using his master key but it wasn't working either, later on other worker came with tool box, worker started to drill out the door nobs. It made huge noise all around, and child stayed next room started to crying big time, and men stayed other room started to yell it complained loudly so its became a big drama for awhile.
It took about an hour to change Key System to new, and watching that scene and dramas made me and Tadashi laugh so hard for quite a long time. It was very strange, and I wondered why this happened.
After that hilarious incident, me and Tadashi both quickly prepared for the next day and went to bed. I was tired from the long hour trip and fell to sleep quite rapidly, but somehow I woke up at 4 a.m. in the morning.
I tried back to sleep but somehow I couldn’t. I looked up the room ceiling for a while without thinking anything, and I decided to get out of bed, and quietly change, get out of the room to see Los Angeles early in the morning. Scene from the staircase was far different than daytime, I felt air more moist, felt it stuck to my skin, there were palm trees colored in red by the hotel's neon sign and it looked somehow very out of this world.
A little chilly wind went through me a couple of times, and when I looked up at the night sky, there were no stars shining. I walked through the underground parking lot to get out to the street behind the hotel. There was a cold wet blue asphalt road that continued far away. Suddenly I saw black shadow a cross me, I turned back and saw a middle aged Caucasian couple, they got in the Red Sports car and drove away.
Now the time rested travelers begin to travel to their next destination. I was the same, just stopped by here to rest a bit, and will leave soon like them. Soon later the sun started to rise from the horizon, a bit cold blue sky getting warmer little by little, it changed the color to light gray, and then with sun lights, it changed color to dark blue to purplish indigo blue.
We get into the bus 6 a.m. in the morning to Airport. Next destination was Miami. Airplane flight up into white bright light, sky was so purely white. We waited about 2 hours in Miami, during this transition, me and Tadashi walked around terminal with other tour participants talking about personal experiences to spiritualism to New Ages matters.
Tadashi told us he decided to join this trip because he has been fascinated about ancient civilizations such as Peru, Egypt, Mesopotamia.
Transition time was quickly ended, and we get in to next airplane to Lima, Peru. Our flight was on time, left Miami early evening, out of window was slowly turned colors sky blue to pinkish, then vibrant orange dramatically. I saw very thick clouds beneath our airplane, the heavenly world I saw from tiny widow was perfectly clear golden orange with no clouds at all. It was not the sky anymore, it was crispy clear Ozone layer in between heaven and earth. Strong bright Orange light started to shine through lined tiny windows made inside of airplane so cinematically fantastic golden orange. We were flying above Amazon Rain Forests, nearby slightly curved horizon burned in vibrant firefly red.
Soon later entire sky turned colors red fire, and quickly turned to vibrant red. I remembered Astronomers sees such a magical moment from the space station every 92 minutes. Thinking of it made me wonder and so moved. Soon later pure red turned beautiful purple, and then navy blue to pure deep blue indigo. We were flying perfectly blue outer space. We became space travelers accompany with trillions of stars.
We were still flying sky high, estimated landing time was over an hour. I was sitting window side on left, a men next me was put earphone, I wasn’t sure he listening music or sleeping. I started to bored a little bit, and looked outside through window, night sky with could all over, and i noticed there is a orange light close to tip of wing. The light moving with airplane so I thought it may be a light attached to wing, but strangely that orange light started to move little faster upward than airplane in same direction.
I did not what, it wasn’t other airplane, it was not Helicopter, it was just big orange light move faster than airplane. I turned and looked a man next me, he still closed his eye and looks like he is sleeping. I looked window once again, that orange light was back in same position like before tip of wing.
I thought, Well maybe this is a UFO...? but I never saw something like this and my images of Unidentified Flying Objects was something made of metallic and fly incredible rapid speeds and changes direction zigzag, so I wasn’t sure if it is UFO or not. I thought so strange and I stuck my face to window to look closer, then I saw a lady behind me, I asked her quietly.
“Well, can you look out of the window? There is a strange thing flying with our airplane....” She noticed it too, and we both kept looking at it and saying nothing to each other. Soon later that orange light moved upward little by little. We both looked at each other's faces, and looked out the back window again.
The light moved upward ahead from Airplane and disappeared from our eyesight, and a little later it came back, stayed with the wing for a while, and then moved backward and disappeared from our eyesight again.
We both looked outside still and I said to her, “Well, I think it was a UFO but I never saw it before, so I am not sure....” and she replied to me with a lifeless sort of voice.
“I also never saw such a thing before so, I’m not sure either.”
We kept looking outside the window like being fooled by something unknown, not knowing how to respond to it mentally also emotionally, and then it came back again, stayed near the wing for a while, and then it backed down again and disappeared from our eye sight. We were speechless, honestly we did not know how to respond to this and have no idea what to say and what to think. We both kept looking outside a while then I thought that Orange light seemed like it would never come back, I gave up looking.
“Probably that was UFO...” I said.
“Perhaps, probably, may be... I am not sure exactly but I guess it was UFO...”
She replied to me with a weird smile. I was thinking about it for a while and I realized why I did not tell others about it and kind of regret it, but it was too late so I stopped thinking too much.
This was my very first time very close encounter of 1st kind, but I had a similar experience when I was 7 years old.
After school I was with boys playing around school grounds, then we noticed a big oval something was in the sky. Color was dark gray, it was not shining metallic or anything, but the shape of it was obviously oval and quite big. It was high up in the sky we could not tell how big it was. This unknown object moving toward a mountain nearby very slowly without making any noise at all. We knew it was not an airplane, it was not a helicopter, those make noticeable noise we can tell.
We were just Childs, we did not know about UFO yet so we just wondered about it, and it didn't do anything strange. We just flew over floats and went north east, we get bored looking up to it, and went back to play around again. When I recalled this memory, the experience was real but my mind was not ready to take it I guess. I did not have ideas of UFO so it did not stigmatize me or anything. Was strange, that it.
I was thinking of that memory and our airplane came close to landing, we got into layers of grayish clouds and passed, I saw tiny city lights of Lima city, soon later many straight lined orange landing lamp appeared, our jet slid in and landed smoothly. We arrived at Lima International Airport on time, arriving at 22 p.m.
Airplane was not connected to the terminal building. We get out from it and step down stairs, all around airport ground was covered by white mists, landing indication lamp somehow look bigger, we walk through very moist, wet air, I noticed smell of sea near by and also strong fish smell. Actually Lima is known for Anchovy. TIme difference with Japan was 14 hours. Near midnight the airport was very strange and at the same time kind of fantastic. I felt like I became a fish and swam through the wet atmosphere somehow.
After the immigration gate passed, the place was somewhat filled with people and their baggage. There were solitude tourists, with families, and I amazed watching people with tons of baggage like all of the house thing was packed in countless numbers of big baggage piled up like little mountains bigger than their heights, the scene was like the late 1880’s.
That time Peru economy was very depressed and internal terrorism was still happening, I had hard time believing there are people who wanted to move in this little chaotic time. I wondered where those people actually goes? I have no idea where they were from, are they immigrants from a country near by? or just very wealth travelers from other country?
Anyhow seeing such a scene made me wonder about the past of this country. This country made of washed by white mists from sea and dusts from dried desert used be a port of Eldorado, mystic Golden City. Is it fascinate people still? Illusion of Gold Ages made me think, we just arrived that City of Gold, to seek something unknown, not Golden city of Eldorado, to seek our own eternal soul shines like golden light within.
Peru was under quarantine until a few years ago and in 1991 I never heard their economy come back up yet and I heard Japanese man killed because he was just Japanese.
The Tourist Bus from our Hotel was very old style inside out and little dusty far away from modern luxury, I could tell it has its own history with it, may it was made in the 1950's? 60’s? I put my face close to the window and watched cityscapes while the tour conductor started to inform us about tour schedules. Bus went through a simple security check gate and ran toward Lima City. Scenery was defiantly look depressive, sometimes street lights appeared from time to time and that place looked like downtown Okinawa I visited a long time ago when I was in High School. That lonesome neon tube lights told me my current situation was pretty bad. Dusty wall plaster was cracked many, some time words expressed freedoms in Spanish scribbled all over it by spray paints.
We went through such streets lined with old houses and depressed shops for about 20 minutes, and arrived in front of our hotel.
At first we saw security guards with machine guns on both sides of the hotel entrance. It was quite shocking because in Japan those situations don’t exist. I totally understand visiting this country at this time isn’t a good idea at all. It was scarce at some point but it didn't make me shrink up, devastate me, cry or anything. Somehow I felt reality in front of me didn't seem real, far from me somehow. We spent 2 days there most of the time sitting in tiny airplane seats, I was pretty exhausted and probably all of my senses are quite numbed and did not function as usual to not feel it.
After we finished check in, I looked around and found Mr. Edward and Kazumi in the lobby, I went to them and told them about seeing a UFO from an airplane window. They were a little surprised and others saw the UFO already and he told me some time UFO follows an airplane in high latitude. Personally I wanted to ask Edward about UFO more, but time was already late close to midnight to dragging him to long conversation wasn't propitiate, I thought sometime later I may find a chance to talk to him, I left from them and went up to room.
Tadashi was brushing his teeth with Perrier, because he was concerned about getting chorales. We were tired but took out the travel cooker, then boiled water, made instant Ramen, and coffee, talked for a while about our jobs, laughing most of the time. Tadashi’s personality was so frank and so funny, he made jokes all the time like a professional comedian. I noticed me laughing and I felt myself kind of more refreshed and open than usual. His influence was very positive to me and I was very glad to have him as a roommate.