Psychic Author, Novelist
Makāula Nakae
In progress.... future projects
My way of book writing and creation usually take quite long years to be published, for example, The Novel Blue Dolphins took about 63 months for the first draft and other 15 years to be published, The Sacred Valley of INCAS took 6 months to write but 20 years to be eBook. I usually hold many projects same time to work on. Those are projects currently I am working on time to time. Some of it is almost done, some others are far from completion. Please come back time to time to check out.

Angel messages by Akiyo Hernandez
It's an Original Oracle Cards Deck next to eCards I am produced. Angel message by dear friend Akiyo Hernandez, and I created all of Digital 3D Illustrations and designs.
You can look all 3D rendered Illustration images by Makaula in the gallery.

Golden Alchemy part 1
Blue Eyes from Andromeda
As an E.T.I. Contactee, my life been filled with countless interactions with Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence, E. T. I. since 1991 visiting Machu Picchu, Peru. A new dimension of interactions seriously began 2009, and in 2012 they help me ascend to incarnate without physical death, and ultimately have me experience Nirvana, and to meets E.T.s up close personal in their planetary size space colony. This nonfiction is a sequel to the Sacred Valley of INCAS, all about Ascension syndromes I been experienced and its process led by E.T.I. associated with Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.
Almost done writing about 90% at this point.

Golden Alchemy part 2
The Treasures of Golden Pharaoh
My Ascension Experiences was highly associated with Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh, particularly in 19th Dynasty, Akhenaten and his son Tutankhamen. When I visited King Tutankhamen and Golden Pharaohs exhibition in Seattle, my eyes gravitated to a very tiny ring made of gold "The Triple Rings with Scarab Breeze" and I started to understand Pharaonic Ascension Process and their worldview clearly. Many treasures of King Tut are not funeral items for his afterlife. Those are Sacred texts made in 3D to teach Pharaohs about Ascension. This book still in progress. I will present Ancient Pharaonic Ascension worldview from totally different perspectives from my own Ascension experiences.

Great North West SEATTLE is known for the home of Starbucks and Seattle Mariners Ichiro used to play for Japanese. This book will be similar to HAWAII de Flower Walk in structure.
Currently stopped working due to many difficulties, Seattle changing so rapidly, I hardly can keep up!
You can look part of photos.

Sacred Islands of HAWAII [Kindle]
This is a digital eBook version of the printed book. I added extra for this version and reformatted. It's in production now.

Spiritual OAHU [Kindle]
This is digital eBook version of printed book. COntents are basically asme but shopping and restaurant part was up dated for this verion. Its in production now.

Law of Awakening and Enlightment
Since I had Nirvana experience and completed Pharaonic Ascension helped by E.T.I. associate with Ancient Egypt Pharaohs, I started to understand structure of it. Basically they were teaching me to understand all of this. They told me its all up to me to tell those experiences or not, I decided to compile what ever I experienced for who has interest in this subjects. Countless people all over this planet try to achieve this for over millennia exercising many forms of meditations or spiritual practice or healing modalities, but how many actually reached this state of consciousness? There are reasons why they can not get there. Most of teachings are filled with mysticism, but its not myth at all. If you can understand human body structures and energetics, you can understand how it works and you may chance to get there.

HAWAII Kingdom Walk
Lights and shadows of King Kamehameha The Great
This project will be a historical guide book focus on Hawaiian Monarchs include King Kamehameha Great or purely novelized life story of King Kamehameha. His life was so fascinating to me and his life path will be the most challenging part of this book particularly his childhood. Historians write about his later life, but childhood is totally different mattes because its so mystified many ways. I have read many books and done researching, taken tons of photos, just need to get this on start writing somehow.... I will do it near future probably...

This will be a light reading book with tons of photos along Waikiki Beach and Queens Surf.

The Golden Horizon
Egypt, if eternal life exist... I will incarnate within the Glorious Golden light.
I have many ideas and basic plot and story lines, images, characters in my head... This novel will be all about Pharaonic Ascension process based on my own experiences. Main theme will be focus on New 19th Dynasty Pharaohs, Akhenaten and his son Tutankhamen and his golden treasures. I will challenge mysterious Ancient Egyptian Myth and Magic "The Book of Dead" to decode. But not only that... this is prequel to "Blue Dolphins".