The World of E.T. Contacts How to take disappoint CE-5 outcome
CE-5 protocols are very unique and dynamics are each time different.
You may end up disappointed because of the group dynamics, or your high expectations or imaginations, but do not worry.
If something did not work as you imagined or expected, there are reasons, you better look back and learn from it.

You are interacting with beyond human
You need to memorize this, you are having interaction with the non-human, which means their capabilities are beyond human.
E.T. or E.T.I.s are capable to perceive the possible future outcome.
They can see through you and your members, they are highly interested in your past, includes past lives, also your future selves.
You and your members can not hide anything with them.
Because of their capabilities, and states of existence, they all are in the unified oneness conscious matrix, which means there are no secrets, everything can be see-through or everybody can grasp anything, everything.
When you have decided to CE-5 event, they already know.
When you decided to do a CE-5 event, your thought or ideas are delivered to the oneness matrix, which you and our members are incapable to access at this point, so they will know your plan.
You will gather other members to join, then group consciousness start to form and evolve when it grows to certain energy mass, they definitely notice it.
They will monitor how your group conscious changes, and grows toward actual events, then they will know the possible outcomes. Let’s switch the view, you became E.T., you are capable to see through CE-5 members persona, tendencies, behaviors, past, mindsets, thought, confusions or fears toward E.T.s, basic beliefs, etc., you will know all of the members' conditions or current states, you probably can guess or tell future CE-5 event outcome.
If you see the event would be like a drinking party or childish play, will you attend such a gathering to be your first priority? changing your schedule to attend even you know how it goes?
Which means, E.T.s already has contacted by you or your members before the actual CE-5 event.
You do not want to underestimate their capabilities, as I said, they are not human, simply beyond human.
Their abilities, capabilities are beyond your imagination.
Which means you a better look and think your limited beliefs and blindness, knowingness.
You do not want to think you know everything, absolutely you are not.
If you want to go further beyond ordinary CE-5 outcome, looking to have a personal relationship like friend or family, you need to know about them through interactions.
Since they are not like humans, you better not think them like us, they do not think like us, they do not behave like us.
No matter what your CE-5 outcome, disappointed or regret about something, turn around your thinking way to be optimistic, or enthusiastic.
They are far understanding because they know humans, how we behave, why we do so. They have been waiting for so long, they are waiting for us, come close to them.
There are no mistakes or disappointing outcomes.
We as humans, as of disappointed CE-5 result, we tend to think something went wrong or made a mistake, why it went that way, etc., those are human thinking.
They already know why we fall into such thinking behavior.
They know us top to bottom, seen through every aspect of human nature or human structures includes physiology, our mind structures, tendencies to behavior patterns, they know a long long time.
They do not judge us like we do each other.
They want us to evolve, they want us to overcome current states of human nature, which is the luck of knowing what means to be a human, and to have human experiences for.
So do not worry any of CE-5 disappointment, because they let it happen that way for reasons.
They want us to realize something, to learn from it toward awareness more in many aspects of E.T. interactions of E.T. phenomena.
There are no mistakes, which means you do not need to take as disappointed. Moving on toward next and next until you get a right or successful outcome.