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Beyond C.E.5-External Densification

執筆者の写真: makaulamakaula

E.T. Quantum Meditation Part 4; External Densification

As I mentioned before, it's all about density.

You want to raise whole states to density five from 3.5. As much as you can, as fast as you can.

Once your states reach a certain density level, matching with E.T. and interactions will be more natural.

And also, synergy with energy and with Consciousness will be more comfortable too.

Because Consciousness is Energy.

You are made of energy.

The energy is Consciousness.

Differences between humans versus E.T.s are the density of Consciousness.

You need to expand the views toward densities.

Volumetrically denser Consciousness.

You are Consciousness, and your host body is inside of your conscious bodies.

Your organic sentient vehicle is enveloped by your conscious bodies.

Your body is not you, it's organic, it's sentient.

It has its own intelligence, and it has its own mind.


Your Consciousness holds consensus with it.

You also have conscious bodies, which are invisible to most people.

Many people call it the Lightbodies, which are made of the lights, which is Consciousness and energy.

Understanding and grasping your Lightbody could be a little overwhelming, because of varieties.

It has a very unique construct, which evolutes as your life goes with life experiences.

At this point, I will focus on one of them called Causal Body.

It generally refers to the highest or innermost body that veils the atman or true soul.

It is considered the highest subtle body, beyond even the mental body.

Because of the Causal Body is one of the easiest to densify to increasing your density.

The size of your causal body is far more significant than people called auras.

From the top of your head, approximately 3 times bigger than your height.

If you are 5'10", times 3 = 17'.7" in diameter.

It is quite vital.

Imagine a sphere made of the transparent glass ball, this will be your causal body.

And put your miniature one-third of the diameter.

You in the center, then put the same height of yours on top and bottom.

Imagine and focus the frame of your causal body 360 degrees.

Anywhere in this Causal frame is the easiest to density.

Once you start to densify, your conscious bodies will be squarely densified, not doubled, squarely.

1 plus 1 = 2

2 square 2 = 4

4 square 4 =16

16 X 16 = 256

External densification hold the keys for C.E.-5 and beyond.

Because everything is energy, and anything we do require power.

To do the everyday task even while you are sleeping.

While your body using energy nonstop to keep up functions, sustain your life.

When your whole bodies start to receive an extra amount of energies, full-body functions will arise, and furthermore, your hidden abilities will surface from dormant states.

The keys to unfold hidden and dormant part of your sentient organic vehicle is external densification.

Once you know how to create energy within the external bodies, all chakras will work smoothly, meridian systems will open and start to provide a sufficient amount of life forces in quality.

And the light bodies start to build little by little, according to the blueprint.

Everything is associate with energy to do so, knowing how to create energy to bump your organic vehicle is essential.

This is still one of the basic. I will tell you more, step by step.

Until then, Have a good life.



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