Hi! My name is Makāula. I am Experiencer/Contactee since 1990.
A year Before 1991, My life has been threatened by unknown hepatic disease.
Doctors could not figure it out, and then I started to learn alternatives.
Because I did have no choice with western and eastern medicine.
Include healing meditation with visuals.
And it led me to have contact with Extraterrestrial intelligence.

A person sent me a message and asked me a few questions related to meditation and E.T.s.
"I am consumed by wanting to look deeper into myself. And figure out what it is I am seeing. I meditate all the time. I see colors and shapes. Sometimes I visualize their / E.T.s' eyes. The biggest thing I need to tap into and learn from is this: With a single thought of celestial beings or the universe as a whole, since I was a young boy, I will get these "chill sensations." That span my entire body from head to toe. And I can make them intensify for a few seconds then it relaxes and goes away, but I can bring it right back... Any thought or idea as to what I have been experiencing my entire life?"
There are multiple questions in there.
First phase.
You want to figure out what it is you are seeing.
You see colors and shapes.
Fast of all, you want to understand how it works, right?
When your eyes open, live feeds come through lenses with light and colors, view in perspective, details include tones and depth, contrast, shades, etc.
That information is from the environment, depending on where you at.
When you close your eyes, live feeds stops to come in.
And when you a night of sleep, you see dreams in a mind eye.
Either you open your eyes to see something, or closing your eyes to have dreams.
Or seeing color and shapes during meditation, your visual cortex is working to make you see it.
Your visual cortex creates images within your head, particularly experiencing dreams, which the brain creates.
Remember this.
Your brain creates reality.
Your Brain tones the world you to see.
Your brain creates the world you to experience.
Your Brain Can Create Structures in Up to 11 Dimensions.
Your brain holds full of multi-dimensional geometrical structures.
Operating in as many as 11 dimensions.
Brain Package Design Up to 11 Dimension experience.
Remember this.
Dimensions and densities are not the same.
Each Dimension holds many density ranges.
When you meditate, you probably close your eyes.
Then you see colors, shapes during meditation.
When you see colors, you see your own energetic overall condition, or states at that time.
You see the condition of your Energy field.
This changes the time to time, and day by day depends on how the entire energetic system operating.
And if you went to a specific place, holds energetic vibratory frequencies, such as Power Spots.
If you close your eyes, you will see colors differently according to the vibration of the place.
When you meditate there, the experience could be more stable, vivid, vibrant, and prolonged.
You want to know how places change your inner eye condition.
People you meet every day can affect your energetics.
You want to know how friends or family members change inner eye conditions.
Which means you are affected by them energetically all the time.
Aware or not aware, you are communicating with them all the time in energetic levels.
E.T. can change your inner eye condition profoundly.
E.T.s have a specific vibratory density and frequencies.
When E.T. presents nearly by or they resonate with your Lightbody, your mind's eye reacts differently.
Your mind's eye works as part of the sensory system.
To recognize and see and to know a thing.
Highly likely you will see more vibrant colors, and depth, movement of colors and shapes, all those could be different than usual.
Remember this.
The third eye.
It's a device.
The Divine device work with divinity.
It's an organic biomechanical device.
It has its own intelligence with functionalities.
It works with your consciousness.
It is intelligent technology, per se.
Your mind eye is a device, and it needs to be opened and activated.
It needs to be energized first to function ideally to the next.
Your mind device to function correctly, it needs dense volumetric energetic supply.
Not only mind device, but entire bodies also need to be densified.
To create a sufficient volume of dense energy.
Your mind device works with the energetic availabilities.
Which depends on your whole bodies as biomechanical energetic proportion system, which probably very shallow than ideal.
Your device needs to develop and be updated regularly with an equal volume of densities and qualities.
Which means you want to develop your own biomechanical energetic proportion system first.
Because it provides energies to all devices, you hold and not knowing well.
Your mind device is very mystical for you at first.
Because you do not know it well yet.
They can help you to develop a variety of ways little by little.
If you allow them to.
Remember this.
E.T.s know about the device than you know.
They can meticulously map it to know your current conditions.
And they can make little modifications or help you to develop it.
If they want to.
Remember this.
E.T.s can know about you in every detail, they can map you all.
All of your current conditions.
When you see colors and shapes, it moves like liquids, changes are very watery in nature. This will start to change with development.
The color will be vibrant and denser.
The movement will increase speed first to fasten.
Which vast amount of energy volume to do the process.
And then movement stops when your mind gets into other dimensions.
Phase two questions.
"When a single thought of celestial beings of the universe as a whole, I will get these "chill sensations" that span my entire body from head to toe. I can make "chill sensations" intensify for a few seconds. then it relaxes and goes away, but I can bring it right back."
"chill sensations that span my entire body from head to toe." this means, it runs through your energetic system.
It stimulates your system to activates more.
If you keep doing it again and again, longer and longer repeatedly in daily bases, this will awake your circuits and make it stronger, and it activates more of functionality.
Remember this.
Your consciousness is within the more expanded consciousness.
You are a mind within the universal collective memory.
You are individual, and at the same time, you are the whole.
Just your brain inhibits you from recognizing it.
Your thought, or focus, intention creates a path to certain places or dimensions.
Practically to say, When you think about celestial beings or the universe as a whole in a meditative state, your consciousness accessing to those subjects.
Since everything is consciousness and it also energy, same time, when your consciousness accessed with those, you are in touch with those forms of energies, which is consciousness.
When you in touch with energies, your senses react you to know it.
Because energy went through your sensory system, which is your nervous system.
Since everything is consciousness, and everything is the energy, once you in touch with other energetic states or different dimensions, you are accessing that ranges of power itself.
When you in touch with it, wait for a while until it starts to come flow into you.
Keep the focus and hold it, and wait with serenity and meditate with it.
Try not to think anything.
Just keep focusing and visualizing with intent.
If you can hold it longer, it will give you more energy little by little to sustain better.
Remember this.
Consciousness is the energy itself.
You are consciousness, you can access with E.T. consciousness or other.
You as energy, you can access E.T. energy, which is made of consciousness.
Mastering meditation is essential for inner development.
Remember this.
You want to go within.
Everything you need to know is already within you.
They are out there in another universe physically.
But they are already in your consciousness.
Because both are consciousness within the universal consciousness.
Everything within you.
You are the whole, the whole is you always.
Separation is the illusion, the deception your brain creates.
Remember this.
You and they are one.
They are you.
You are them.
If you want to close to them, ask them to help you.
I will tell you more. Until then, Have a good life.