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E.T. and Reptilian obsession

執筆者の写真: makaulamakaula

Hi! My name is Makāula. I am Experiencer/Contractee since 1990. Nearly three decades of experiences, I learned so much from E.T.'s.

Sometimes people ask me about E.T.'s, because of their curiosities.

And I found it fascinating, sometimes so amusing.

People have their imagination toward Extraterrestrials.

And it isn't very accurate in many ways.

A person I know, she asked me about Reptilians.

Her question was abstract, not much structure.

I needed to ask her back.

What kind of thing do you want to know about Reptilians?

She thinks Reptilians control Earth humans.

Probably she watched tons of Reptilian Agenda kinds of programs or YouTube or whatever advertise "Reptilians are BAD."

My brain turns to a pumpkin.


If you can not take Reptilians, probably you also can not take Octopus being, that was my thought.

How about insectoid?

She does not know there are a lot of Reptilian races.

Alpha Draconis is the bad one, I assume.

I never saw Alpha Draconis personally yet, but I know the smell, distinctive smell.

And Other E.T. shows me holographic images of Draconis a few times.

If their presence near me, I probably would know.

But not all of them are bad.

Anyway, she connects everything wrong to Reptilians.

Because she thinks they control Humans.

Even she does not know the differences between Alpha Draconis and other Reptilians.

I told her this.

Did you know, part of your DNA is from Reptilian?

She couldn't think.

She said, Really?

Her husband told her a little bit about human evolution.

In the stages of Human development, your host body goes through various stages of species to get human fetuses.

Includes Reptile.

But, her mind didn't register.

And then she brings this "reptilians are BAD!" in every chance she got.

Her mind so obsessed with reptilians control humans.

Maybe she finds it funny.

Her Automatic intelligence does not allow her to think of another possibility at all.

It's called brainwashed.

I said to her.

You are part of reptilian families.

A particular part of your brain, medulla oblongata.

It calls The Reptilian Brain.

She said, Really?

And it did not register at all once again.

He Automatic intelligence did not allow this to sink in.

Even it's scientifically made of reptile genes.

It seems like Her Reptile brain does not favor other reptilians.

Because it's very territorial and behavioral?

Earth's human build on Reptilian DNA hates other Reptilians does not make sense to me at all.

And she repeats when she finds occasions within the conversation. Reptilians are BAD!

And my mind turns to a pumpkin.

It's reptilians!

My pumpkin head hollows as she repeats.

I named this phenomenon "Pumpkinhead maker."

I became a Pumpkinhead but still tried to tell her how human control other humans, Social brainwashing other humans are widespread.

It's happening everywhere all the time non-stop.

Brainwash, the human brain is this planet for quite a long time.

It is from the dawn of the human race.

Meticulously to say.

It started to happen from the dawn of the human brain.

The human brain is behavioral.

Pumpkinhead maker thinks Reptilians control humans.

And she brings next.

Reptilians are a hive mind.

My pumpkin head hollows deeper.

Hive mind based on oneness mind.

The human mind is part of the bigger brain.

Hive means, the superior mind controls another mindless mind.

Pumpkinhead thinks Reptilian Brain control human behaviors to create hive mind structures.

Own Brain-behavior could control its own to be superior.

It drives Pumpkinhead maker, makes Pumpkinhead maker's mind blind.

Blindly control others, even their siblings.

Put in mind a cage of its own.

Do Reptilians control humans?


Humans are in control of their brain behavior.

Humans are in control of their reptilian brain characteristics.

Reptilians control of humans is practically correct.

Humans, as part of the Reptilian race, control other humans is the correct answer.

The mammal and neo mammal brains grow on top of the reptilian brain.

The reptilian brain region controls pretty much everything.

Once you control by it, It is hard to get out.

Because practically impossible to know thee are in there.

If you are obsessed about reptilians, Remember this.

You are the Reptilian.

You are part of reptilian families.

Welcome to the world of Galactic reptile Civilizations.

Is any way to get out from own reptilian Brain-behavior?

Yes, it is.

As I mentioned before, Behavior operates through the control system.

Without a control system and programming, it does not.

What you need to do is take back control.

Be in your control seat.

In the human body, there is part calls The Seat of Consciousness.

If you sit there, you can gain control over and you could learn how it works.

I will tell you more.

Until then, Have a good life.



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