Hi! My name is Makaula, I am Experiencer/Contactee since 1990, and my interactions with Extraterrestrials continuing.
It started in 1990, and the following year of 1991, the first time I saw U.F.O.s in Peru, and Sacred Valley of Incas and Machu Picchu, it just keeps happening no end.
I stopped counting already.
I can talk about my experiences on and on and on.
Still, instead I like to help people who wish to have contact, so I created this group for those who have interest CE-5, but not only that, also for individuals like me who are Experiencer/Contactee who wish to connect others to help each other.
At first, some may not know the terms "Experiencer."
You may know the terms "Abductees," persons who have been abducted by certain Aliens races or U.S. military complex.
These Abductees come with such negative images from many T.V. programs and movies, so they changed the terms to "Experiencers," and then many forms of Contactee variations emerge with the names.
Nowadays, experiencers have meanings in broader aspects of Extraterrestrial contact phenomena.
Once people had some experience related to U.F.O. or Extraterrestrials, they became an experiencer, and you may be near future.
Since many of experiencers hold Extraterrestrial contact or interaction in personal life, particularly with former Abductees having experience lifetime from childhood.
Their experiences are extraordinary, so I highly recommend to know about it and learn from it.
Also, who are Starseeds or who awake.
Started to recognize higher Extraterrestrial conscious matrix, depends on their roads, may for a few years, may for a few decades.
Experiences are not the same, individually unique, and extraordinary in any case. Experiences are usually evolving as it goes.
Contact phenomena have so many variations.
In general, Experiencers are not much interested in CE-5 protocol, and this is my opinion meeting through a support group I regularly attend.
Why many of Experiencers are not much into CE5?
I guess because we have interactions with them, we have a life with Extraterrestrials, which gives us tons of subjects to think about—dealing with stigmas, traumas, confusion, regular reality check, etc.
At least for me, it's quite tight enough.
In my case, all those things made me focus inward instead of seeking U.F.O. or try to contact them in the outer world.
Those Extraterrestrials and U.F.O. Phenomena could happen in both external realities, such as seeing U.F.O.s or Extraterrestrials your own eyes.
And inner reality such as seeing them through clairvoyance vision, metacognitive communication, in dreams, energetic communication such as downloads, etc.
Many experiences are highly psychic.
Their Extrasensory perceptions are significantly elevated, upgraded for the interactions with them.
Developing E.S.P. abilities is the prominent key to E.T. contact and interaction per se.
That's why the CE-5 protocol introduced Remote viewing training and meditation practices.
Those both Remote viewing and meditation practices may fell little too abstract or hard to grasp for some people whose not known well or not familiar.
Even meditation practice could be too fundamentally abstract because there are many different ways to do meditation to reach a particular meditative state and keep it intact for an extended period range.
Step one would be, you need to know how to get there.
It means you need to know how to train yourself to make a match with the Extraterrestrial conscious matrix.
Extraterrestrial conscious matrix is a sort of a platform both earth humans, and Extraterrestrials can communicate a certain way.
I call it Quantum Contact Zone, or Quantum Contact Platform, or Quantum Contact matrix.
Probably you thought, "What the F / fascinating or fantastic, and How can I get there?"
It goes back to Remote viewing training and meditation practices, and I like to modify a bit to Extrasensory perception development and Quantum Meditation.
What's the difference between Remote viewing versus Extrasensory perception development, and meditation versus Quantum Meditation?
Can you guess what would make the differences and also bond both Extrasensory perception development and Quantum Meditation?
It's the Density.
Remember this:
You have to make much with their lowest density level, which is so denser than a normal human state.
And also, you need to a tuned with their frequency range.
Okay, I will simplify it for you a bit.
You want to raise your Density as much as you can.
And it would be best if you recognized their frequency range.
Once they recognized you in there, Quantum Contact matrix.
Highly likely Quantum Contact could occur in your bedroom.
I know it a lot to digest.
And don't worry, I will explain and give you tons of hints and tips step by step in those categories.
Until then, Have a good life!