Currency I am preparing to release the newest E.T. and UFO-related book "Blue Eyes from the Andromeda," which is a sequel to my 3rd book, "The Sacred Valley of Incas, beyond Machu Picchu," focused on my own U.F.O. And E.T. experiences happened at Sacred valley of Incas and Machu Picchu in 1991.
I have 30 years of U.F.O. And E.T. experiences.

My first U.F.O. sighting was the age of 6, then 20 years after, in 1990, it started to manifest more frequently.
Q. How did that happen?
In 1990, I suddenly had the unknown hepatic disease, then hospitalized, western medication, the eastern medicines did not work.
I was afraid of me dead so young. I started to read spiritual related books like life after death, reincarnation.

Then somehow Shirley MacLaine's "Out on a limb," then "Going within" which she wrote about many varieties of alternative healing methods like hypnosis, acupuncture, chakra meditation, image meditation, etc., since nothing worked, I have nothing lose but try those, so I started to do chakra and image meditation. E.T.'s interaction began to happen in my bedroom.

That day, I had very first astral or etheric surgery. Many times with invisible beings, which I did not know they were E.T. or E.T.I. As a result, my conditions are drastically improved.
I then decided to visit Machu Picchu because of the T.V. movie version of Out on a limb, especially the second part, all filmed in Peru, and Machu Picchu.

I participated in a spiritual sort of Peru tour. The Tour leader was the contactee/trans channel, Mr. Edward, Maybe.
I saw the U.F.O. Before land to Lima international airport, it was the second time in my life. Same day at night, I had the very first connection established with the U.F.O. or E.T.

From that point, I started to have psychic experiences, seeing visions, became telepathic, seeing auras, highly empathic, astral travel, pastille memory cultivations, etc., also U.F.O. Sightings and E.T. experiences although the tour for nearly 2 weeks.

It was too overwhelming, I decided to learn those, including channeling.
In 1991, took Lyssa Royal's very first Opening channel workshop, then became a conscious channel, then merely psychic, but I like to call it E.S.P. instead.

Around 2009, I visited San Francisco and Zuni reservation, and Roswell in New Mexico, E.T. interaction became almost every day.
I started to have everyday downloads and communication and frequent U.F.O. Sightings.
Those E.T. interactions and energetic upgrades lead me to experience Pharaonic Ascension in 2011.
And then I ended up visiting the moon size space colony somewhere in the universe.

I can not describe those countless experiences in just 75 minutes in this presentation, I will focus on E.T. or E.T.I. Interaction instead of telling my U.F.O. or E.T. sightings as external phenomena.
Q. When did you realize you had a psychic (?) gifts?
When I looked back, I recognize I had E.S.P. senses around the age of 5 knowing things or suddenly aware stuff for some reason, particularly people's conditions.
I just did not know what it was.
Q. What drew you to SUFON?
When you started to have countless U.F.O. Sightings, what kind of group would be ideal?
You probably think SUFON would be the best choice because SUFON gathers people interested in U.F.O. or U.A.P. phenomena.
And then you started to have continuing E.T. or E.T.I. Experiences, you may try SUFON, but most of the members do not have much of E.T. or E.T.I. Experience, probably you will notice huge gaps.
This dilemma probably comes with other groups, Spiritual or metaphysics communities. E.T. or E.T.I. Related matters are still challenging for those people, except groups for Experiencers.
After the U.F.O. Sighting, what may come next?
Many people have interests in U.F.O., some want to know more to extend, fascinates about Extraterrestrials and their civilizations.
Once you start to see a lot of U.F.O.s, it probably will take you to the next phase of phenomena, not only seeing it periodically.
E.T. contact or interaction phenomena would manifest in your everyday life, particularly at night, and in your dreams, in your bedroom.
I am going to present to you some essential factors step by step.
Three aspects of U.F.O. or E.T. phenomena
External experience
To seek external phenomena. To find the answer or to debates the existence of U.F.O. or E.T.
Looking to see U.F.O. With your own eyes, explore the world of CE-5 sort of, possibly seeing or interacts with E.T.
Internal experience
After cultivating U.F.O, sighting, probably you will go within yourself to seek or find the answer internally because it starts to happen in you, not outside of the world.
It will challenge you in may a variety of ways.
You may think hallucinating or getting crazy little by little because experiences are beyond common sense.
You will feel like you need to expand, need to learn, how to get out from the box to the world of Extraterrestrials and inter-dimensionalities.
Inter-Dimensional Experience
When your personal developments, the body, mind, spirit integration progress, or evolved to the point of getting into worlds of multidimensional realities, you will start to understand whole different views toward U.F.O. or E.T. phenomena, also about your own reality actually over raps with layers of different dimensions or realities.
Variations of Extraterrestrial crafts
You may think U.F.O.s are like physical spaceships in Sci-fi movies. There are primary 3 forms of U.F.O.s, which means those are their vehicles to travel to our reality.
1. Physically manifested actual materialized vehicle.
There are many types of E.T. vehicles. You may imagine their ships are like ours.
Many of those are ORGANIC, a living creature—hybrids of organic and mechanical.
Many vehicles use Conscious technology, which means vehicles are integrated with beings.
Imagine you are inside of E.T.'s vehicle, which is alive.
It has its own consciousness and intelligence, like a supercomputer.
It became part of you or extension of you, and sometimes you became part of it, holding symbiotic relationship.
2. Energetic form
Like Foo fighter, orbs, and Merkabah, aka the Light-body.
3. Consciousness form
Like tiny star or photon.
Variations of Existence
This may be the most confusing part of U.F.O. or E.T. phenomena because many people think they are coming from the same reality we are in.
But most of them are coming from different states of existence.
1. 3rd density like our reality, very physical states.
2. Higher density states like 4th, 5th or higher density
3. Astral realm
4. Etheric realm
5. Realms of consciousness
Variations of E.T. or E.T.I.
You may think E.T.s or E.T.I.s are like humans.
There are primary 4 forms of E.T. or E.T.I.
You may have a hard time grasping it, but do not worry, when E.T. experiences progress, those experiences lead you to understand little by little.
1. Physical being, have a gross-material body like a human.
2. Energetic beings, from Astral or Etheric.
3. Consciousness form, like tiny star or photon.
4. Formless, simply invisible
Q. Have you a relationship with Angels?
What would be the difference between angels and E.T.s or E.T.I.s?
They are all invisible to most people, but they can communicate if they want to, but communication is very mystical in a way for many people for sure.
Once you start to have such experiences, you kind of start to know how it works.
Why are they contacting us?
There are many reasons why they are contacting us.
1. E.T. want us to evolve
To help species shift, providing teaching and energetic upgrades through downloads, trigger the physical evolution process.
This subject is enormous, simply to say, a long time Past, they tried to create a variation of their species on this planet, mixing their codes to existed primal species to evolve, and led natural process do the job, so they left.
2. Fixing E.T.'s own Karma from their Past
Their own creation seems like they did not go as they hoped because mutation occurred.
E.T. does not want us to be left alone, they started to help us lead toward the ideal path, not too forced since we evolved close to them.
E.T. needs to keep our free will intact because of the law of the universe.
They are beside us, but not too controlling us, except a few species who want to control us, but most of them are very kind to us.
3. E.T. does not want us to destroy ourself
To keep the balance of universes. Once you in touch or reached a universal oneness matrix, you will understand everything connected from the beginning.
You are them, they are you.
We all came from the same place, and we all go back to the same source.
You will know why you could not connect because brain function, which your own brain deceived you every moment for survival purposes.
Are they coming from the Future? Or from the Past?
Outside of the human brain, we do not know how time exists because the mind creates linear time.
We, humans, perceive the time centers in current = now, toward probable Future or towards the Past.
According to many esoteric teachings, time does not exist, our perceptions of time are the illusion our brain creates.
Now, the Future and Past exist at the same time.
They came from Past, or future concepts are very human because we only can perceive that way.
After all, the human brain can not process like them at this stage of physical evolution.
Why do they want to help human evolution?
From their perspective, we are part of them.
Once you reached the oneness matrix, you will understand these dynamics.
Humans have a hard time to recognize the Universal oneness matrix.
The physical brain limits accessibility because it needs to save energetic consumption to do the everyday task, to protect itself.
Causes are straightforward, luck of energetic usage.
More precisely, unluck of energetic volumes and qualities from current states of density.
The physical brain is capable of recognizing and keeping our consciousness in there.
Still, those functions are not the first priority to the mind itself at this point.
To overcome this highly complex issue, physical Brain, and human physiologies need to be evolved little more to make it happen because your physical bodies create real experiences.
In this factor, your physical body needs to upgrade, especially in energetic structures.
Such as the etheric body include the meridian system, and also varieties of conscious bodies.
Key to the E.T. contact is Personal development.
They are highly interested in a person's spiritual development.
If you want to develop relationships with them, you need to dive inward instead of looking to have experience outside, because it will happen within you internally, not externally.
E.T. contact phenomena will challenge you big time in a very diverse way.
To cross over such enormous challenges, you want to understand how your own brain works and functions, potentials first.
Neuroscience and mindfulness would be ideal.
And then, study bio-mechanical futures, include Chinese oriental medicine, Taoism, Vedic, to know how the whole body orchestrates to create such dynamic human experiences.
Q. Have you done Shadow work?
Internal work?
Yes, I did and still do in a variety of ways that includes studying neuroscience, neuro-counseling, includes psychodynamics.
Q. What phases of enlightenment (as a journey, not a destination) have you experienced?
I wasn't particularly looking to have an enlightenment experience, they gave me to experience it.
They worked with me for many years, 3 decades to develop me.
I have varieties of expertise, probably the most significant experience was the Ancient Egyptian Ascension in 2011, which took me to visit another star system and met two E.T. up close personal.
And transcendental in 2016, I experienced my ego demolished.
The Starseed activation in 2017.
It's still in progress, and I think it won't stop.
Q. Who are your teachers in this realm?
I can say I can learn from other humans in daily life interaction as my reflection.
Earth teacher?
I do not have a human teacher or master or guru, I have been receiving teaching from E.T. or Ascended masters or realms of Invisibles for 3 decades.
When I was young, I read many books, but their lessons are beyond those books.
Books are the information mind can satisfy, but without real experiences, it's just something you read or remembered.
It needs to be cultivated through experiences repeatedly.
E.S.P.s are also tools, you can develop it and use it to learn and master many things.
Stages of E.T. or E.T.I. experience
Once you establish a mysterious connection with E.T. or E.T.I., you will start to have interactions with them, probably in your bedroom, not somewhere outside.
I call it "BEDROOM CONTACT" because most of the interactions are happened in my room, especially in my bedroom.
They will come to visit in your dreams, in your bedroom or the safe place most comfortable.
How E.T. or E.T.I. Communicate?
You may think they speak Earth languages, like channeling, but they do not. Their style is not linear, like our language.
They use Extrasensory perception, aka E.S.P., based on resonance, clairvoyance vision.
They will show you images or motion pictures like movies or 3D animation.
Feeling and sensation, which is the base of the E.S.P. E.T., can make you feel it, and make you understand through the whole, not only the mind.
Which is you will know things without thinking. You will GET IT without thinking somehow.
They can also touch you, modify your energetics, or enhance mental activities or capability to communicate.
Q. What are your thoughts about COVID?
It's man-made.
E.T. informed me soon after china started to have an outbreak.
They completely woke me up, then show me the letter, "DANGER" bold type in red.
They never ever warmed things like that before.
They warned my ex-roommate, she also having similar experiences like mine, she received a warning in her dream seeing Princess cruise clearly, then they told her, "We will protect you." And then the global pandemic started.
Why did they inform me and others in such a manner?
They see CORVID more seriously than us for sure.
Q. Do you have a telepathic connection with multidimensional beings?
Depends on the definition of telepathy.
When E.T.s want to interact with me, E.T.s use varieties of E.S.P., such as clairvoyance vision, Clair-cognition, Sounds frequencies, Holographic projections. But they rarely use earth language.
When they use English or Japanese, they utilize already recorded audios cut and paste to create short sentences.
Sometimes thought transfer happens like channeling sort of, but those are not the telepathy in my definition.
When telepath happens, you hear the voice clearly in your head as real as it can be.
In the Sasquatch case, she used Clair-visions, holographic presentations, meta-cognition, energetic injection, and absolutely she can touch you.
How to get there
There are varieties of practice you want to do.
Neuroscience, or Neuro-counseling
Psychic or E.S.P. development
There are numbers of E.S.P. abilities, aka SIX senses.
Energy healing and Energetic mastery
Hanging with who has E.T. experiences or highly developed E.S.P. personnel.
Attending CE-5 or well-coordinated contact modalities to practice
Go visit the places known for U.F.O. or E.T. activities, such as E-CETI, Mt. Shasta, Sedona, Roswell, etc. Washington states aka Paranormal states have many places to visit.
If you want to go to such sites, go with E.S.P. friends.